About us


The Oak Lawn-Hometown School District 123 Educational Foundation shall work in conjunction with the school district’s long-term goals and the broader Oak Lawn-Hometown community to acquire and distribute financial and other resources to extend and enhance learning opportunities for all district stakeholders. 


The Oak Lawn-Hometown School District 123 Educational Foundation is a 501 (c)3 not-for-profit organization established in 1991 to attract private monies to fund and advance special innovative educational projects/programs to enhance student learning. 


The Foundation will achieve its mission through the following goals:

Foundation Members

Board of

Kelli Mason, Chairperson

Sofia Georgelos, Vice Chairperson

Peggy Shanker, Secretary

Dr. Mike Loftin, Treasurer

Carly Bishop

Dr. Paul Enderle

Bryant Evans

Larry Fetchko

Dr. Theodore Gasteyer

Dr. Kathleen Gavin

Rob Lorens

Julie Misner

Theresa Roche

John Wiora

Vernon Zumhagen

Friends of the Foundation Committee

Theresa Roche, Co-chair

Paul Enderle, Co-chair

Corie Azem

Deb Barry

Colette Condon

Gayna Driscoll

Bryant Evans

Larry Fetchko

Dr. Kathy Gavin

Sofia Georgelos

Kathleen Karakas

Teresa Loch

Mike Loftin

Elizabeth Lopez

Rob Lorens

Jay Lurquin

Kelli Mason

Julie Misner

Karen O'Dea

Julie Owens

Jamie Wiora

John Wiora

Andrea Zumhagen

Vernon Zumhagen

2024025 Ed Foundation Board of Trustees Meeting Dates

Meetings are held at 7pm at Oak Lawn-Hometown Middle School (5345 99th Street, Oak Lawn) unless otherwise noted.